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There are 3 levels of credentials: 


CERTIFIED MINISTER – Those who indicate God’s call to ministry, manifest a desire to enter the ministry by engaging in Christian work and, who devote a part of his or her time to Christian service may be recognized as Certified Ministers. 

LICENSE TO PREACH – Those who exhibit clear evidence of a call to ministry and practical experience in preaching, together with an evident purpose to devote one’s life to ministry, are eligible for a License to Preach.

ORDAINED MINISTER – Qualifications for Ordination are outlined in the New Testament scriptures (I Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:7-9). They are of mature Christian experience who are qualified and able to undertake the responsibilities of the full ministry. Applicants must be 23 years of age or older and a member of the MN District AG for no less than one (1) year prior to ordination. They must also possess a License to Preach and be in active full-time ministry for at least (2) consecutive years.

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If you have read the Credential Handbook and requirements are met, please start by completing the Pre-Application. Once your Pre-Application has been approved, you will receive an email with a sign-on instructions to a Moodle Account.  Moodle is a secure place in which you will acquire and upload all documents. Please note, the Application deadline is October 1st. [see pg 4 of the Credential Handbook for applicable fees].


All Credential Candidates are required to attend the Credentialing Seminar in February as indicated in the Credential Handbook.


Educational requirements may be completed through various options. Minnesota offers in-state options through MNSOM and North Central University.

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Each year, ministers are required to renew their credentials. Credentials are renewed by completing the renewal form online through the National Assemblies of God website or the paper version mailed to each minister in the fall. Forms must be completed and returned by December 31.


If you’d like to upgrade your credentials, thoroughly read the Credential Handbook.

  • If requirements are met, please fill out the Pre-Application.

  • Once your Pre-Application has been approved, you will receive an email with a sign-on instructions to a Moodle Account.  Moodle is a secure place in which you will acquire and upload all documents.

  • Please note:  Application deadline is October 1st.

  • All Ordination applicants will be required to attend the Credentialing Seminar in February as indicated on the Credential Timetable and Instructions. License applicants will not be required to attend the Credentialing Seminar if they attended it as a Certificate of Ministry applicant.


If you have additional questions, please contact the AG district office for your state. 

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